“Tension and self-
absorption slid away
from me as I walked…
suddenly I found myself
in the hub of the
labyrinth and I wanted to
stay forever. Utterly
peaceful and deeply
‘rinsed’, I sat in that
extraordinary calm
– labyrinth walker

“A sacred communion
with God, peace and
understanding unfolded –
dancing in the silence and
between the notes, my
soul has been moved and
opened to a new
experience of
wonder…thank you.”
– labyrinth walker
The Labyrinth is a riddle
It is the cosmos and the world
The life of human kind, the womb of the earth
The journey, the way to the center
The way to ourselves…
– Ursa Krattiger Tinga
Ancient Path of Wisdom and Peace
A Labyrinth is a winding path leading through a series of seemingly endless
twists and turns, into a center and out again. It is walked mainly for
meditation and a sense of inner peace, a tool for peace and guidance in a
world which appears to have little to offer in these departments.
Its allure may be simply that its one-track path implies that there is a way
through the wilderness of our stress-filled lives. It offers us the hope of
order in a disordered world.
Information and
quotes taken from
Labyrinths: Ancient
Paths of Wisdom
and Peace by
Virginia Westbury
Labyrinths are not to be confused with their “cousins”, the Mazes. Mazes have many paths with dead ends; they are about multiplicity, choice, strategy. Labyrinths have just one path. They are about guidance, trust, reflection.
Guidelines for Walking the Labyrinth
There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Some people walk with the intention of addressing an issue in their lives, others to pray and meditate. It is helpful to pause before you enter to center your thoughts on your intention.
Generally there are three stages to the walk: releasing on the way in,
receiving in the center and returning when you follow the return path back out of the labyrinth. Symbollically, and sometimes actually, you are taking
back out into the world that which you received.
It is helpful to pause before you enter to center your thoughts on your intention. Acknowledge the experience through a bow, nod, or gesture, then enter. Walk between the lines of the circuit, being aware that you are sharing the labyrinth with others. You may pass other walkers, or let them step around you. When you reach the center you have entered the most sacred space in the labyrinth. The center is a place to pause, reflect, and receive insight. Stay until it feels appropriate to leave.
Walking the path back out of the labyrinth is a time for deep reflection and a chance to consider what it might mean for your daily living. At the end, turn and face the entrance. Make and acknowledgement with a bow, nod or gesture. When you are through, you may want to find a quiet place to sit and reflect.
Please be mindful and cautious when using the labyrinth.